Category Archives: Coaching

A victim? Never!

After a period of high energy, such I have had the past couple of weeks, I always have a “fall back moment” as well.

Afbeelding 01Even after seeing that doing the right things at the right time delivers the right result, I can get feeling a bit drained and somehow I don’t get as much done as I should. I even find excuses not to start my work in the morning. Continue reading

Business and Marketing

The year has started well for me.

I have been attending many functions where I have been distributing and receiving business cards. Next on the to-do-list is linking with all these new acquintances and looking for business opportunities.

Afbeelding 09It made me wonder again, what kind of business I really am in. Allthough I deliver consultancy, leadership training and coaching, I seem to be rather in the business of listening and selling.

This brings me back to the first blog-post of this year, my basic rule:

my succes = my potential -/- my constraints. Continue reading

What is Holding You Back?

The New Year has started. Resolutions, objectives and goals have been flying around to make sure 2014 also will be a successful year both on the private and the professional side.

One of my plans is of course to make my business in Luxembourg a success ( may sound easier than it is.

Afbeelding 02

The last couple of years I have learned something important:

My Success = My Potential -/- My Constraints Continue reading

How was your year?

The End of the Year 2013 is coming closer.

My clients are making holidays plans and most companies are not going to organise any trainings, coaching’s and consultancy for the next two to three weeks.

P1030940This is traditionally the best time for me to evaluate and think back about what and how I have been doing the past year, both professionally and in my private life.

It has been a very rich year with plenty of change.

If you have been reading my blog-posts over the past couple of months, you Continue reading

Are you Successful? This may help

Since I have set myself up for the Luxembourg market via the acquisition of a partnership ( I need to get myself into shape for success.


It’s always helpful to look at other people who have been successful at what they do and learn from them. Following and copying the behavior of role models helps to get closer to your own targets. Continue reading

Can I Change your Behaviour?

Unless you love the rain, a lot of wind and the cold, the past couple of days were not really pleasant to be outside.

Excellent weather therefore to prepare workshops and trainings for the weeks to come.
Main topic and million dollar question “how can I change somebody’s behaviour?

Even by force and violence, there are no other methods that will guarantee lasting change in behaviour than by somebody wanting to change their behaviour themselves. Continue reading

Do You Have a Problem?

Last last couple of weeks I have had the privilige to meet a number of inspirational people. New ideas have been popping up like mushrooms in autumn and I feel as if there are no problems, only solutions.

dices_optical_illusionIt’s not always like that of course, but it helps me to believe,, in times when the sky does seem the limit, that: “Problems are there to be solved and not to keep me from reaching my goals”. Continue reading

Your Eyes, they Tell How you Think

Two weeks ago I joined a four day training on a combination of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Bio-Energetic Therapy. Highly interesting and for me a personal challenge, as I tend to be very much a “head” person and less a “body” person.

IMG_0059kleinMost people who have heard of NLP immediately start talking about eyes and eye movements. How these movements can tell what you think. Continue reading

Take Action or Let Go…

In the latest blog post I mentioned some tips on Energy Management.

Most important is to make sure you fill up your personal energy “battery” to the 100% level every couple of days.


Knowing how we all seem to be time pressured now-a-days, this may mean you have to plan to charge your battery. If you know your preferred “charging” method, it may take even less time than you think. Continue reading