Monthly Archives: October 2013

Peercoaching and Speeddating

I maybe only a “one person company”, but I always work together in partnerships to develop and deliver business. The “one plus one makes three”  certainly works for me.

One of these partnerships is called 360 Careers. We are all experts in the field of personal development and we mainly concentrate on the in-flow, flow-through and out-flow of talented professionals in companies. Professionals for professionals.

111 Afbeelding6Together we have developed the Peercoaching & Consultation program, which we had the honnor to present last week during a mini-seminar to 13 prestigious consultancy and lawfirms. Continue reading

Do You Have a Problem?

Last last couple of weeks I have had the privilige to meet a number of inspirational people. New ideas have been popping up like mushrooms in autumn and I feel as if there are no problems, only solutions.

dices_optical_illusionIt’s not always like that of course, but it helps me to believe,, in times when the sky does seem the limit, that: “Problems are there to be solved and not to keep me from reaching my goals”. Continue reading